Monday, June 1, 2009

HDTV: I thank you!

This is really where our journey to Germany begins. Don has never wanted to travel. He would talk about going back to Germany some day, but had no real drive to do so. I decided that just because he didn't want to travel didn't mean that I couldn't and so, with his blessing, I took my first real trip to Washington, DC in 2006, meeting a friend from Washington there. I had a blast and came away with a lot of desire to see more of the country and the world. Then in 2007, we bought an HDTV (in time for Don to watch March Madness :) Because of the surprising beauty of the picture and the additional HD channels, Don started watching some different things - even GOLF one time (he doesn't golf)! Well, he discovered 'Rick Steves' Europe' and became a faithful watcher and, I guess it just gave him the bug. One day in September, out of the blue, Don said, "I think we should go to Germany next fall." We figured how much we would need to save and how long it would take us, and, seeing that we could do it faster, we decided to go in the spring. So you see, I firmly believe that if it weren't for the HDTV, I would still be dreaming about trips I could take and who might be willing to go with me instead of actually getting on the plane in a few days and traveling around the world with my husband. So I say it again: Thank You, HDTV!


  1. This is great, Nancy! Now I know where Becky gets her writing ability. Have a great trip! I look forward to hearing where you go and what you think of it. Debby

  2. Fun pictures. We went to alot of the same places so it was neat to see the pictures. Looks like you are having a great time and continue to do so.
