Monday, July 6, 2009


This was a rainy day. We visited two more of the mission cities.

Herren is a small town near Kamen. This is one of the old churches in Herren.

An ancient 'gate.'

There was a city festival at 2PM this day. We arrived in town about 1:45. The bells in this church began to ring out shortly after and they just pealed and pealed for a good 10 minutes. It was wonderful!

As a missionary, Don & his companion had come across this little 'castle', complete with moat. It now appears to be just a residence. The house in the background is actually an out building that is probably a residence also.

Looking in to the 'courtyard.'

In the 'courtyard.'

From the 'courtyard' out to the lane. The old church is just down the lane on the right.

From Herren we drove to Wuppertal. This city held a LOT of nostalgia for Don.

This upper window is the apartment where Don lived as a missionary in Wuppertal.

We 'duplicated' a few pictures of Don here, so now he has them as a missionary and 30+ years later.

The missionary version of this picture was double exposed.

This fountain is at the end of the big pedestrian zone in Wuppertal.

Starbucks. We saw many of these.

And so many McCafes that it was crazy. (Burger Kings, too.)

Smack in the middle of the pedestrian shopping area was another old church.

One of the old train bridges that Don liked while serving here.

The LDS chaple in Wuppertal.

In Don's time here, this tiny chapel was an open room with a portable podium and folding chairs.

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