Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Before moving on, here are a couple of odds and ends:

Coloman Kirche near where we were staying.

A closer look at the branches in water for the holiday.

Echelsbacher Bridge

We crossed this bridge on this loop drive. But first, we parked the car and walked out on the bridge so that we could both enjoy the view of Poellat Gorge.

Our last stop on this loop drive was Ettal Monastery, another splendid Baroque church. From the guidebook: "In 1328, the Holy Roman Emperor was returning from Rome with what was considered a miraculous statue of Mary and Jesus. The Emperor was in political and financial trouble, so to please God, he founded a monastery with this statue as its centerpiece." It was originally 'suitably off the beaten path,' but today is a pilgrimage church and on one of the most traveled tourist routes in Bavaria.

The dome.

Another organ loft.

A chandelier in the middle.

They brought some of the branches inside.

The grounds.

On the way 'home' we passed Plan See - or the Plan Lake. The water was a beautiful turquoise.

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