This little town was one of Don's mission areas. The two church spires are somewhat famous in the family, as we have seen the pictures many times - one even hangs on our bedroom wall. So, when the spires appeared above the trees as we approached on the autobahn, I felt oddly comfortable, like I was arriving at a familiar place, even though I have ever even been on this continent.
Kamen and the other 'mission tour' cities are north of Koln.

This was our hotel in Kamen - Hotel Stadt Kamen. We were on the European 2nd floor, so our 3rd floor - no elevator - at the back of the building.

Our room, small but comfortable. This is typical of German rooms - separate down comforters, folded on the bed. This bed was smaller than most.

The square across from the hotel.

On the second day in Kamen, they held their first community sing - in in the square across from our hotel. We walked around the town this morning and heard them singing along with their accordions and guitars. The rain drove some of the group to the umbrellaed area in front of the hotel.

Around town.

This is so typical of every city and town we saw. Buildings house both businesses - on the street level - and apartments on the upper floors. And while these flower boxes have mostly green plants, the prevalance of flower boxes and beautiful gardens - no matter how small the space - was wonderful.

Kamen's Catholic Church - one of the 'famous' spires.

Kamen's ancient Pauluskircke - Paul's Church - the other famous spire.
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