Saturday, August 29, 2009


I forgot to mention the Kahte Wolfhart Christmas Store in Rothenburg. This is the original store, I think, and we saw these stores in Heidelberg and Oberammergau. After about 10 minutes I was feeling like I really needed to get out of there - talk about Christmas overload! It was almost claustrophobic. We bought a few ornaments (one of the few things I 'allowed' Don to buy.)

And here is a blog primer for those not used to these things: If you click on the red text in the post, it will take you to a related website. Just click on the back arrow to return to the blog. I plan to add links for the castles where we weren't allowed to take pictures.

Since it occurred to me that I could do this, I have added a link in the Burg Eltz post, too. It's official site is a little annoying to use, but you can see pictures of the interior on this site.

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